July 2, 2020

Are you serious about your CAT preparation?

If yes, then the following might the most important article you will read, especially wrt VARC section

Before I ventured into teaching VARC for CAT, I studied Pharmacokinetics where I learnt that in order to bring about a drastic change in the rate of a pharmaceutical process, we must alter the step that dictates the phenomenon the most. Trying to manipulate a step which has little significance would barely bring any perceptible change. Same, my friends, is true for your CAT preparation!! You are at, say, 70 percentile and wish to jump to 99+. How do you think you are going to make that big a jump? There are topics and subtopics in each of the three sections, but are all of them equally critical? If not then which are the ones on which your performance in the exam broadly rests? A wise man proportions his belief to the evidence. So let us look at some data to see the distribution of 34 VARC questions across different broad question categories - Reading Comprehension (RC), Critical Reasoning (CR), Grammar and Vocabulary, in that order

--------------- (RC)----------(CR)----------Grammar---------- Vocabulary

CAT 14-------16-------------14-15------------3-4--------------- -0

CAT 15-------24-------------10-----------------0-------------------0

CAT 16-------24-------------10-----------------0-------------------0

CAT 17-------24-------------10-----------------0-------------------0

CAT 18-------24-------------10-----------------0-------------------0

CAT 19-------24-------------10-----------------0-------------------0

CAT 20-------18--------------8-----------------0--------------------0
(CAT '20 had 26 Qs in VARC instead of the usual 34 in the preceding 6 yrs as the total duration of the exam and consequently individual section were reduced due to covid)

CAT '21-------16--------------8-----------------0------------------------0 (CAT '21 had 24 Qs in VARC)

CAT '22-------16--------------8-----------------0------------------------0

CAT '23-------16--------------8-----------------0------------------------0

CAT '24--------?--------------?-----------------?------------------------?

As is evident, the areas that have clearly dominated the VARC section of CAT in the recent years are RC and CR. One may accuse me of being selective in considering only previous 10 years’ data, but the reasons for that are

CAT 14 Scorecard
a) recent trend has to be a parameter of relevance. I am sure that while preparing for your end-semester exams, you pick the end-semester papers of previous 4-5 years as your cornerstone, and do not worry what was asked 20 years back.
b) there has been remarkable consistency in the number of questions asked in CAT (100 in 3 hour test and 66 in 2 hour test) and in the individual sections (34 in VARC in 1 hour section and 24 in VARC in 40 minute) in the last 10 years, before which it is hard to find such consistency and thus difficult to observe any clear pattern.

One may also point out that I am focusing on only one exam wherein there is a multitude of other tests that do have quite a few, or perhaps a lot of, questions from Grammar and vocabulary sub-sections. Understand that CAT is the mother of all MBA entrance exams you would appear for, for no other exam acts as a gateway to so many and such illustrious colleges, including the elite IIMs. There is a reason the name of most of your study groups on Whatsapp and Telegram is CAT preparation and not MBA entrances preparation!

I discuss at length in my classes why CR, and especially RC, remain such darlings of CAT and the cornerstone for any test that wishes to ascertain your rationality, however, I will steer clear of that discussion here for the want of time. The point is VA in CAT, in the present context, is all about RC and CR. If I further breakdown CR, we see that almost all the questions asked under this broad category in the recent years are from 3 topics - Summary, Parajumbles and Out of Context. While the first two are known old devils that have been appearing in CAT since always, Out of Context is a recent, somewhat unique (and cryptic) addition. I may choose to write about this question type some other night if I so feel like, and that, I am sure, will ruffle a few feathers here and there  😏

So that brings us back to what we started with. Is what we are focusing on as important as much we are focusing? Are we sure we are not fixated on certain areas because we are good at them or because we find them interesting? You can be the stud who knows almost every word in the newspaper, but what would you do with that vocabulary if there are no questions where it is tested? Grammar could well be made out to be almost half the syllabus in terms of volume, but what’s the point of your spending so much time and effort on it if you will barely get any questions that require any understanding of grammar? Also, I hope we are not avoiding proportionate effort in some areas owing to the amount of labour it would take there or because it requires us to do things beyond our comfort zone. You know which area I am alluding to  😝

Think. Reflect. ADAPT.

CAT 15 Scorecard
With my 13 years of experience of teaching VA for CAT, and having scored over 99 percentile in VA section on many occasions, if there is one thing that I can say is sure to catalyse your accuracy and improve your comprehension in RC and most of CR questions (all in CAT), it is READING DIVERSE GENRES. Whenever you read CAT RC passages (RCs), the single biggest factor that governs your comprehension of that passage is your familiarity with the field/genre to which that RC belongs. Understand that CAT makers do not write these passages themselves. These passages are
basically excerpts taken from articles posted on internationally renowned magazines and websites such as http://time.com/,  https://www.nytimes.com/, https://www.theguardian.com/ international etc. So whoever writes these articles, does so for the readers of these websites and magazines. And like any other article, these belong to a particular genre and thus find place in the relevant section of the magazine or newspaper before they are picked up by someone to be turned into an RC.

Now when we read or watch anything, we go for something of our choice- a young college girl might like to read a fashion magazine, a sports fan would pick up Sportstar or watch sports channel, my political enthusiast father would prefer the front page of the newspaper and watch political debates, I would confine myself to The Economic Times or maybe Bigg Boss, a male engineer would rather watch….well, let’s not go there  🙈. You have got the larger point anyway. We all read what matches our interest which naturally makes what we read interesting for us, and are thus easily comprehensible. But imagine if one day you pick up something that belongs to an area totally unfamiliar to you. Imagine a person who has never had the inkling of the farthest of particle of philosophy is given to read the works of the great Jacques Derrida or Friedrich Nietzsche!! (if you think just their names are complex, you have no idea what’s in store for you when you read their work  :D). And that is what happens to you when you read RCs, basically articles, that lie outside the area of your interest. Why does that happen? Simple.

1.     You DO NOT get to choose the RCs that would appear in CAT. You have to attempt whatever is thrown at you, which, as a matter of fact, is all luck!

2.     RCs that you would encounter would be from diverse genres. I would encourage you to go through some of the 20 RCs (5 in each of the two slots) that appeared in CAT 17 & 18 and are readily available online. You may even go through RCs from previous years. You would discover for yourself how CAT selects passages eclectically, a beautiful mix of passages from philosophy, religion, history, science, technology, social issues, fiction, literature and what not. And with about 15 to 20 genres out there, what are the chances that you would be lucky enough to get all or most of you 5 CAT RCs from the 2-4 genres that you are comfortable with? For an average person who has familiarity with 3-4 genres at best, on a fair day he would have only 1 reason to cheer and 4 to lament while attempting CAT RCs.
CAT 17 Scorecard

So what should you, as rational and informed people, do so that you do not end up fretting when you face RCs in CAT and before that in the exhaustive series  which we, at Unacademy, have planned for you? You must develop familiarity with all (or as many as possible) different genres. Read the previous sentence thrice. You must read diverse articles from varied fields so that there remains no genre that you are alien to. While that may seem like a punishment in the beginning, the rewards it would reap you in the long run would be rich! If you think reading is an excruciating pain, you have a choice- face this pain either during the preparation or in the exam! There is a well-known saying in army academies across the world- the more you sweat during the training, the less you bleed in the war. Also, know that it is only a matter of time and habit before you develop curiosity in areas beyond your realm of interest, and then it would be a smooth sail after which RCs would not seem as frightening as they might now do. But that would take persistent and conscious effort to step out of your comfort zone and read what you have never read. To implement the above, I strongly suggest the following:

1. Read one novel every week.
It goes without saying that each novel should be from a genre that you have hitherto been unintroduced to. I generally share a list of authors and novels and also give some genre-wise suggestions in my classes. You would find that in the next post.

2. Read the front page and editorial section of The Hindu newspaper. Add Oped/Opinion (right next to editorial) to this after a month of beginning.
Front page contains the news of national and international importance, adding substantially to your knowledge repository. All this awareness about current affairs would come handy when you participate in Group Discussions (GD), Personal Interviews (PI), Extempore etc., all of which comprise the second stage of preparation. Editorial is one page in the newspaper (usually page number 10 in The Hindu) which has articles from diverse fields. If you are game for it, do read the Oped page, which is the immediate next page to the editorial. And for God’s sake stop reading ToI. ToI to newspapers is what AajTak is to news channels and what fight sequences in South Indian movies are to fights in reality.

Sources used for CAT RCs in recent years
Sources used for CAT RCs in recent years
3. Read 1-2 articles every alternate day from https://aeon.co/. The website comprises carefully selected, and highly informative and  diverse articles with CAT-level difficulty. In fact, CAT itself has picked 6 of its RCs in the last 5 years from this website! More importantly, choose articles from the genres that you are not comfortable with. You may start with articles that you find interesting to build some momentum, but eventually you need to go to articles that are unknown to you. Know that there is a search icon at the top corner where you can enter the name of the genre (philosophy, economy, art, culture, metaphysics etc) you wish to read articles from. 

PS: You need not begin with all 3 of the above simultaneously. Start with 2 (The Hindu) and then add 3 once you have developed some comfort with 2. Finally, add 1. 

Having made those earnest recommendations, I concede that only a small percentage of you would actually follow all that I have suggested with the sincerity that is required, but so would be the percentage of the students who would make it to a prestigious B school.

Remember, if it is worthy, it won’t be easy to get; if it is easy to get, it can’t be worthy. “The world is at Sharda University” and not at IIMs for a reason. Where do YOU want to land? If you seriously want to get into a top-of-the-charts B school, you must be mentally prepared to give your 100%, no less. We, at Unacademy, resolve to put in our most sincere efforts to see you through the various obstacles in your path to success, and expect you match us in that. Your choices and efforts today will decide your tomorrow. This current sentence that you are reading has no relevance with the topic of discussion here, and has been introduced solely to mock and expose any competitor who mindlessly lifts this article without even reading it completely and tries to pass it off as theirs. All the best! Let the game begin!!

Lokesh Sharma

The author of the article is part of VA faculty at Unacademy and unapologetically takes more pride in his understanding of MBA entrance exams than others are willing to concede ;);

Telegram Main group to get unique material/useful posts-  https://t.me/Lokesh_varc

Telegram Discussion group to ask queries from me & discuss questions among yourselves- https://t.me/+VY5odAPOuuSARns4

Following is the list of the authors whose books/authors I suggest you read from now on. The idea behind reading these books is to choose the sequence in which you would want to read the books from different genres and to explore the areas that you have hitherto been either oblivious to or uninterested in. Take this as an opportunity to read some wonderful masterpieces rather than a drudgery being forced upon you. Performing it as a customary rite would prevent you from experiencing the pleasure of reading such accomplished and ingenious compositions. As Amir Khan rightly puts it in Three Idiots- The fright of a whip's lash does make even a lion sit on a chair, but we call him well-trained, not well-educated! Ultimately our aim is the same as yours- your selection at a reputed B-School! And I assure you that this exercise is imperative and well directed towards actualizing that goal. Obviously, you won’t find Chetan Bhagat or Paulo Coelho in my list of recommendations as the purpose behind reading here is edification, not just entertainment.

Happy reading!!!  :-)
Lokesh Sharma

Do leave a comment mentioning what did you like, what you didn't and what more would you like to be added to this. You may even mention on what other aspects of VA/ CAT preparation you would like me to blog about. 

Novels-wise suggestions

Dickens- Great expectations
Oliver Twist
David Coperfield
A tale of two cities
Jane Austen
Pride and Prejudice
Sense and sensibility
Emily Bronte
Wuthering Heights
Jostein Garder- Sophie’s World
George Orwell-Animal Farm, 1984
Nabokov- Lolita
D H Lawrnce- Sons and lovers
George Bernard Shaw- Complete works
Complete series of Sherlock Holmes
Mark Twain- Adventures of Hucklebery Finn, Adventures of Tom Sawyer
R L Stevenson- Kidnapped, Treasure Island
Dostoevski- Crime and Punishment, The Brothers Karmazov
Bram Stoker- Dracula
Mary Shelly- Frankenstein
J D Salinger- The Catcher in the Rye
Jules verne- Around the world in 80 days, Journey to the center of the earth
Alexandre Dumas-  The Three Musketeers, Count of Monte Cristo

Genre-wise suggestions

Sophie's world by Jostein Gaarder (for beginners)
The Republic by Plato (advance level)
The Prince- Philosophy+Politics (easy language) by makaveli

Any by Karl Marx
Freedom at Midnight
Discovery of India- Jawahar Lal Nehru

Sunny Days by Sunil Gavaskar
Tale of a Tiger by Mak Pataudi

Perfect questions perfect answers
Bhagwat Gita by A C Bhaktivendanta (Best, must read)

Author-wise suggestions

John Nashe
Jack London
Rudyard Kipling
James Joyce
Stephen Hawking
Bertrand Russell
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Agatha Christie
Leo Tolstoy
Anton Chekhov
Maxim Gorky
Fyodor Dostoevsky
Franz Kafka
Jean Paul Sartre
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Mahatma Gandhi
Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru
Karl Marx
Adam Smith
Jerome Klapka Jerome
Ernest Hemingway
Friedrich Nietzsche
Emily Bronte
Charlotte Bronte
D H Lawrence
George Bernard Shaw
Louisa May Alcott
Mark Twain
Mary Shelley
George Eliot
Bram Stoker
F. Scott Fitzgerald
George Orwell
J. D. Salinger
Malcolm Gladwell
Harper Lee
Daphne du Maurier
Victor Hugo
H. H. Munro
Stephen Leacock
P. G. Wodehouse
Charles Dickens
Thomas Hardy
Jane Austen
Vladimir Nabokov
O. Henry
Oscar Wilde
Somerset Maugham
Samuel Butler
Graham Greene
Alexandre Dumas
R L Stevenson
Harper Lee


  1. This article is very enlightening and helpful for the preperation of varc for cat exams .I personally like you use reference of movies and phrases in article which make me inspired and motivated and make me connected through entire article. It was very interesting article uses of smiles in between makes reader connected through entire article .
    Thank you so much sir
    Regards : Aalin kazmi 2028cpc

  2. A very gripping and close to reality form of expression. It added to my knowledge, dedication and even some great vocabulary.

  3. Thank you so much Sir, going to follow it from today.

  4. I felt intrigued reading this article, I wanted to try your suggestions right away..
    "the more you sweat during the training, the less you bleed in the war". I liked this quote..

  5. thankyou for giving such a comprehensive knowledge of VARC section of CAT exam. please tell me how to excel in economics articles. which novel to read

  6. Thank you so much sir, really helpful

  7. The article relieves my tension to what to learn and what not to. What to focus on and what should be my goal. I thought VARC section mostly comprises of grammar and the need of vocabulary is must but after reading this article I know what should be on my sight. This is very helpful.

  8. I am too motivated to read this great article about to prepare varc section first I petrified from varc but after reading that article I am sure that I gonna help me a lot in preparing my RC section thank you so much sir I am going to attend all of your classes.
    I am sure that I am in a safe hands.

  9. Thanks for this, Will start following you from now!

  10. This article relax me and now I confidentiality say that I follow all suggestions from today 😃. Thank you sir 😃

  11. It was a great article and it also motivated me to put efforts as iims are worthy to put efforts 😌🙏

  12. Thank you so much sir for sharing your knowledge 🙏it was a great article 👍waiting for many more 😊

  13. It was great reading this article sir.. I got a direction about the entire CAT paper VARC section and it answered most of my questions .. Thanks a lot

  14. SORRY in advance sir!!!!
    But it is true ,I accidentally bump into your class but the way you teach,Really phenomenal.
    your content is great sir ,hope you will keep guiding like that till the end .
    it was great article sir.

  15. Amazing article sir, I don't know what but there is something in you that makes me motivated. Whenever I am frustrated doing sums and I move to VARC, I become happy and start feeling motivated that helps me do the CAT prep beyond anything.

  16. Really Helpful Sir. I hope everyone here agrees that this article should be a must read before beginning CAT Prep.

  17. I will be brutally honest as Lokesh sir says in his own videos. This article is very well structured, the analogies from movies or real life (engineers..rofl!) makes it more interesting, keeps you engaging with article and it is like that you are reading a message from your dearest friend where he is guiding you with his worth-full advice from his own experiences and using references to ease out the level of article (unlike most articles of xyz author). IT IS A MUST READ ARTICLE ! ~ Rithik Gupta

  18. Thank you so much sir for this guidance

  19. It was really helpful!!!
    Thank you so much sir

  20. It was really helpful
    Thank you sir

  21. Great article sir. Will surely try to follow these tips.thank you

  22. I kid you not when I say this, This was the first time I read an entire blog without getting bored. Great job sir, I'll definitely try to read different genres as you mentioned. If the books keep me half as glued as I was while reading this, I'll finish any novel in no time.

  23. Thank you so much Sir for this work.

  24. It provides such amazing information the post is really helpful and very much thanks to you cat application form 2021

  25. Literally sir you give me something which would i never get in my past. From today i will apply all this things into my routine. Thank you once again sir

  26. Really when I read this I feel goosebumps..I really want to crack Cat...surely I will follow your guardian.. Thnkuu so much. It's mean a lot😊

  27. Very resourceful sir! It had been a great help. Thank you soo much sir. Though it is tough, it’s worth doing.😊

  28. Ok now on words i follow step by step

  29. by far the best article i have came across, regarding how to prepare for varc ...thanks a lot sir

  30. Thanks for your guidance. It will be very helpful in for us.

  31. Bs sir, this is what i needed from now i would follow yr instructions and go head ,Idont whats my results is gonna speak for me but what I know ill gonna put my 110 percent and the rest is upto the god
    By the way , thanks a lot sir for this wonderful suggestions

  32. It is such a nice post and worked as an eyeopener for me . The line, I love the most in your article is "The more you sweat during the training , the less you bleed in the war" . Happy to have you as a mentor.
    Thank You So Much

  33. This post was extremely beneficial and provided me with a lot of information; I truly learnt something new as a result of it. We've updated all of the most up-to-date information about CAT exam preparation. This website can keep you up to date on all the latest news in your area.

    Website : CAT exam preparation

  34. Lokesh Sir should be brand ambassador of sprite "sidhi baat no bakwas" article was on point no bullshit.

  35. Thanks a lot sir . This is really an amazing article motivating and helpful same time. The best part is the Fabulous words you have used in the article . Speciality is the Books that you have suggested are awesome.


  37. One must develop familiarity with all different genres to excel in your CAT exam. Sir, May I saythis is the main idea in this article.

  38. After reading the article and the book and authors suggested here.....it shows how much effort you put for us and the amount of research made here...it shows your experience and expertise in this field..thank you for guiding us SIR!

  39. sir I'm sure about one thing that the one who follows 85%of what you had said in this article is a 99 percentiler

  40. Many people blog and share wisdom but pouring out facts and reality in an innovative manner is what this article is about. Thankyou Sir for this thought provoking article. It does make one question, why we want to give CAT really?

  41. Thanks you Sir for your advice and guidance.....Make me so helpful 👍

  42. Best article to khow about VARC
    You're Great Sir 👍👍

  43. thanx bro for the blog ,,,itni mehnat main toh na kar paata

  44. novel ko rank wise kar do plsss ,,

  45. Thanks for your effort and free live classes

  46. Sir, this was quite helpful to be honest. To have facts backing ones statement always leaves an impact. This entire blog was thought through and actually helps differentiate between the level of focus one needs to crack the examination. I took one of your orientation classes and I could bet my money that you are an amazing teacher. It’s not just teaching that helps but the way you teach also leaves an impact. Thank you for taking the time out to finish this and share this with many aspirants who are looking forward to learning more from you.

  47. Thankyou Sir for putting so much effort and time for us. Thankyou

  48. I really enjoyed the honesty (that we expect from a mentor) and the sequence of information, also enjoyed, how you used the quote about Sharda (they deserve a refund from the marketing firm). And I will read as many books as I can from your recommendation. Thank you for writing it in such a way that one can know, if ones really want it or not.

  49. This article was too good as i already assumed I know you since 2021 when my friend recommend me you ar varc best teacher and seriously am very weak in English but still I really love your snap technique but I'm 2021 am not able to crack cat and then drop the plan for cat but not i again decide to do so I have one query where can I get your videos cz write now I don't have that much amount of money to buy unacademy subscription so I there is any other way so please let me knon
    And thankyou sooooooooooo much sir

  50. Thankyou so much sir . I am still in my preparation phase but the way you told me to attempt varc has definitely led me to improvement in varc . I have followed your things for 1 months approx and i can see the change in varc obviously I am not the expert just by 1 month preparation but it's definitely helped me thankyou so much !!

  51. The emojis used b/w the article is amazing and the information is true gold.........Thank you sir for suggesting this article

  52. Kya pdhna chahiye, kha se preparation start kru..finally confusion comes to an end..Thanku so much..👍🏻

  53. Seriously this article is really really helpful... it's magically solved my 70% to 80% of questions.... the way lokesh sir explained his idea in word is same as what we what a article in cat 😁 ...

    Cons :- because sir told to write what we didn't like .... so sir , you didn't write how much a newbie should start reading , how much he should put and force himself , how should a person who cant afford unacademy premium or coaching tackle varc from absolutely 0 .

  54. You have an amazing knack for writing in an interactive way sir!
    Thanks for publishing this article, it will be of a real help in planning the preparation for VARC!

  55. good article but even you might have failed to bring 99% in recent varc cat exams it seems as you have not even checked your report card ..haha ..just being brutally honest

  56. Have been taking your VARC classes for few months now and have to admit that they are better than any other teach I've had. I would have definitely been swayed to take literature or philosophy if I was your student in school.

    Doubt - I am not able to find Tale of a Tiger by Mak Pataudi, where can I buy it in Delhi?

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  58. Started my reading journey with Sophie's world, A great suggestion sir !

  59. This is Really Great Information, Thank You for Sharing This Blog. cat online classes

  60. Thank you sir! Going to follow all the above mentioned guidlines. Starting first with Hindu

  61. You might start writing sir 🫡
    Your sense of humour is top notch 🫡
    Jokes apart thank you for the eye opener sir !!
    Will give my best for sure :)

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